
SBE 18 pH Sensor

SBE 18 pH Sensor
Product #: SBE_18
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Voltage Output

Interface circuits buffer and offset the differential glass-electrode/reference potential to produce a high-level, pH-dependent, output voltage.

Laboratory Calibrated

Calibrated against precision buffer solutions (4, 7, and 10 pH +/-0.02 pH); results tabulated on a certificate furnished with each sensor.


Connector: XSG
Depth Rating: 1200 m
Endcap: Right angle
Housing Material: Titanium
Output Signal: 0-5 V
pH Accuracy: +/- 0.1 pH
pH Range: 0-14 pH
pH Time Response: 1 sec
Power input: 6-24 VDC, 15 mA
Weight: 0.7 kg in air, 0.4 kg in water